My name is Ussama Somjan.My nicname is Earn.
I'm 17years old. My bithday is the 18 th of February 1998.
I'm form Thailand.l live in Nakhon si Thammarat Nakhon is in the south of Thiland si Thammarat.
My family livesina small village.
There arn four people in my family. My mother's name is onruThai and my father's name is Thongchai.
I'v got one younger sister His name is chittima and he's nine We've got one dog.My mother's and my father's are gardeners.
My sister is studying in wat Chandi school.
I'm sutdying in M.6 at Changklang prachanukul School.
I like Math. But I don't like Biology because.
I's difficult.
I like to eat the noodles But do not eat salad. My favorite is frcit mangosteen But do not like durian
I like Badminton and Valleyball Because It makes strong good healthy.
My hobbies are listrning to music veading Novels and chatting on facebook.I cam dance , Monora is Thai cultcre.
l'm beactiful , funny,friendly and easy going
I want to be a quidance because
I can visit many placesI motto is the nope is that today's success tomorrow.